Rhy​thms Drum T​​uition
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Philosophy & Development
Philosophy & Development
Designed for all ages and levels of ability -the 1-2-1 tailored tuition allows students to maximise their potential, ensuring a rewardable and enjoyable experience.
Styles catered for include: Rock, Funk, R & B, Metal, Jazz, Pop, Latin, etc....
Starters / Intermediates -
Play to your favourite songs - by practising the following:
Rhythms & Fills around the kit, Learning to Read Music, Developing Rudiments,
Keeping Time to a Metronome, Exercises to develop hand / foot Independency.
Advanced Musicians - ​
Improve your Technique; Learn Advanced Rhythms & Fills, Develop and Utilise key Rudiments at Speed around the kit, including Soloing Components and Composition.
I tutor Rockschool exams to Grade 8 (with a 100% student pass rate).
(Grades may be used as a measure of practical ability and music knowledge, with levels 6 - 8 ( 'A' level standard) providing accredited UCAS points).